StreamElements Chat Widget Converter

By SocksTheWolf - Twitch - GitHub Project - Found a bug? Send me a message!
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Use the steps below and you'll be able to have your custom StreamElements Chat Widget work with a slime2 instance instead! No more StreamElements requirements!!
Everything on this site is processed locally on your computer, for safety!

If you need help, a video tutorial is provided here!

noteUsage of this tool may potentially conflict with widgets purchased under no modification licenses. The output this tool provides updates the files with your settings and wraps them in an emulation layer to act like StreamElements.
If you are unsure if this affects you, please consult your licenses/creator.

  1. Go into StreamElements dashboard and download the "Data", "CSS", "JS" and "HTML" sections via the widget editor for your chat widget. Save each file with their appropriate file extension!
    noteThe Data section can be saved as anything, everything else is their section names in lowercase (ex: code in the CSS section would be saved as .css).

  2. Take the file you made from the DATA section and

  3. Upload the files from the HTML, CSS, and JS sections

  4. Wait until this download button becomes clickable, and then click it!

  5. You can now unzip the output file and use it as an OBS browser source!!
    noteYou will need a slime2 account key from here!

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